Humana’s Individual and Family Dental plans are expanding to provide a new entry level price-point plan with preventive and basic coverage in Texas.
Humana’s Preventive Dental Plan is a PPO plan that offers coverage both in and out of network. Individuals of any age may apply online and the plan can be purchased year-round.
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Humana’s Preventive Dental provides 100% of in-network preventive care (cleanings, exams) after meeting a one time deductible of $50 per person. The plan covers 50% of in-network basic services (fillings or simple extractions) after meeting the deductible.
The Texas Dental Insurance Plans Have Unique Features
No Waiting periods: Members can use all of the plan’s benefits immediately.
Dental Preventive PPO includes effective dates as soon as 5 days after the application is processed
Strong PPO network: (Notice: We label the PPO network with the plan name to make it easy for members to find, however all of our PPO plans (Preventive Value, Preventive Plus, Loyalty Plus, Complete Dental) use the same network with 270,000 providers nationwide.)
Humana individual dental plans are generally a good fit for people who want robust comprehensive coverage. The best benefits are available immediately for those who provide proof of prior eligible dental coverage.
Loyalty Plus (PPO) Individuals who want immediate comprehensive coverage even if they haven’t had prior dental coverage.
Preventive Plus (PPO) Individuals who know the importance of preventive dental care and want some coverage for unexpected dental needs. A great balance to maintain healthy teeth and gums.
NEW Preventive Value (PPO) Budget-conscious individuals who know the
importance of preventive dental care, and appreciate a straightforward plan covering preventive and basic services.
Dental Value DHMO (HI215, C550) Budget-conscious individuals who want comprehensive coverage, and want to know their costs upfront.
Dental Savings Plan (Discount plan, not insurance) For individuals who want some savings in dental care, but don’t want to invest in dental insurance.
Humana One is raising the bar on dental insurance. Texas families can enjoy low cost dental coverage for as low as $50 a month ($15 for singles). These policies are excellent for families of 4 or more who generally have good dental hygiene, but need the coverage to take care of cleanings, x-rays, exams, and the occasional cavity.
Humana has a well developed dental network in TX due to it’s large individual health and Medicare presence. Texas families looking for dental insurance you can check rates on the DentalQuoteFinder site. If you are looking for medical and health coverage can run a health and dental quote online to see plan benefits and rates.
Remember if you need help, just call us at 877-991-4249.